Friday, June 5, 2015

Negotiations & rewards

AH and I came up with a method of rewarding the boys with tokens (poker chips) for doing as they were supposed to do or what they were asked to do. They each had their own color so there could be no stealing/swapping and whoever had the most at the end of the week chose that week's fun activity. This worked for a little while, until they realized that they all were choosing the same activity and eventually one kid was working so hard for tokens that he always won, so the tokens lost their allure. So much for that!

The new and improved negotiations involve earning tokens to be exchanged for individual special privileges, such as I-Pad, TV, or pool time. They can earn tokens for listening, doing as their supposed to do, certain chores, and being helpful which can be exchanged one token for 15 minutes of whatever privilege they choose, for a maximum of 30 minutes at a time, with at least an hour between special privileges. Now they are scurrying around trying to find stuff to do to earn tokens, and dutifully playing or otherwise occupying themselves until it's time again to use a special privilege. If they run out of tokens then they have no special privileges until they earn more, and it will also cost them a token for fighting or arguing, talking back, or other offenses.

Suddenly they are being perfect angels! So far so good!

1 comment:

  1. You guys are amazing to keep coming up with new ways for your children to succeed. They are the luckiest kids in the world and like Anderw said having 2 Dads is AWESOME
